Friday, February 4, 2022

Entry #3: Where I Begin To Suspect My Personality Might Be From My Sisters


Starting top left, moving clockwise:

Legally Blonde - Growing up with two older sisters, I was often roped into their interests, and my older sister Emily loooooooved this movie and musical. I could sing along with all the songs as a kid and had perfected my "Bend and Snap" routine by age 3.

Blue's Clues - I didn't watch a whole lot of TV has a kid, but this was one of the shows I did watch, just as my sisters had. All three of us can still sing the songs that go with it (and do, more frequently than we should).

Disney Princesses - I was obsessed with Disney Princesses. Books, movies, costumes, the whole shebang. When I asked my mom what books I read when I was little, she mentioned Disney Princesses several times. (Aurora was my favorite, and I used to say I was going to name all my kids Aurora and just change the middle names.)

Dr. Seuss - Like many American kids, I grew up with Dr. Seuss books. My favorite was "Are You My Mother?" read to me by my mother. 

My mom and sisters - These were the people that read to me when I was little. My mom read to me every night (and often throughout the day), and my two older sisters, Megan and Emily, read to me fairly frequently, especially when I was a baby/toddler. 

"Love You Forever" - I can't even tell you how many times I made my mom read this book to me. I could recite the little rhyme in it ("I love you forever; I love you for always. As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.") with her as she read. I think part of why I loved it was because it made my mom cry when she read it... Little kids are cruel, okay?

1 comment:

  1. What a great household! I can see you and your sisters imitating that scene from Legally Blonde.

    The book, "Love You Forever" is such a wonderful book.


Entry #11: This Is The End *cues Adele's "Skyfall"*

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